
Maybe Bosworth Had an Excuse

The extreme difficulties of interpreting drug test results are clearly described in the report, “Bosworth Defends His Steroid Use,” Los Angeles Times, Dec. 27, 1986. Two experts are unable to agree about the drug testing.

What is clear is that there are drugs that are illegal and drugs that are legal.

By definition, any usage of illegal drugs is an abuse. However, legal drugs may be properly used and may (also) be abused. Detection of legal drugs in a person only confirms their presence and says nothing about the legitimacy of use or abuse.

Therefore, if Brian Bosworth can prove that a licensed physician prescribed steroids which he then took under the doctor’s advice and care, the presence of steroids on drug testing should not be cause for preventing the athlete from competing, although it might be cause for investigating the practice patterns of the prescribing physician.


Perhaps what is needed is for all athletes to demand copies of all prescriptions, and medical records, to be used in their own self-defense when and if they test positive for drugs that may have a perfectly legitimate use.


Woodland Hills
