
Humidity Indicator: Hot Under Collar

Richard L. Black of Torrance has been feeling the heat lately because he hasn’t the foggiest notion as to where he can locate someone to repair a humidity indicator that’s mounted on a wall. Can you help keep Black cool, or will he have to sweat it out until people stop raining on his parade?

Joyce Hughes of Palmdale has been on the defensive ever since she moved to the desert and was unable to locate Max Factor Self-Defense Cleanser , which is a Ph-balanced soap-free formula. Can you help Hughes come clean, or will she really get offensive because she isn’t getting her just deserts?

Charlotte Bayer of Santa Monica is looking for some red paste wax for use on an indoor red-tile stairway; so far she’s had no luck in her search. Can you help before Bayer becomes stair-crazy, or will she just have to keep waxing indignant, or even see red, before she learns to take things one step at a time?


Ray James of Hollywood has been getting red under the collar because he can’t find a collar wire-- a U-shaped item that fits under a cravat. Can you help before James chokes on the problem, or will the whole thing finally end in a tie?

Reader-to-Reader Help Line: Carole at (714) 826-1476 is trying to locate the beaters for a Silver Chef Dormeyer Model 4300 mixer. Please help so that the beat can go on in Carole’s kitchen. . . . Fran at (213) 559-4616 is unable to find a game by Kohner called Hi Q that her children played 30 years ago; the game consists of a white plastic board with holes and red pegs. Please see to it that Fran’s grandchildren aren’t bored because the game is up.

Note: The Reader-to-Reader Help Line is only for one-time items and for products no longer available in stores. And you must give us written permission to publish your telephone number, so that others may contact you directly.


Sidney Roberts of Pacific Palisades, who was looking for Mobes open-back sandals in Size 9, will soon find that the shoe fits after all. Solito de Solis of Westwood says that Mobes sandals are carried by Birkenstock, 1234 Old Santa Monica Mall, (213) 393-8148. And Rita Crafts of Venice says that the sandals are available at the Temple of the Rainbow on 3rd Street and Fairfax Avenue, opposite the Farmers Market, in Los Angeles.

After Jane Turner of Hermosa Beach asked for thin-metal, tightly sprung bobby pins in brown color for fine hair, we heard from several other readers who were looking for the same product, but in different colors. So far, only one Burbank reader has come forth--with the brown bobby pins. Since there seems to be such a demand, can you try and help these other readers--and at the same time get them out of our hair?

Barbara Cook of Los Angeles, who was looking for 96-inch shower curtains, need not take a bath on this problem after all. Victory Campbell of the Bath and Closet Shop, 1345 4th St., Santa Monica, (213) 394-8788, says her store carries white bathroom curtains in the 96-inch size. Erin Gilman of Northridge writes that Stroud’s Linen Stores will special-order the curtains for about $80. Virginia Speaks of Pasadena says that the Sears Roebuck catalogue (No. 96H 9221H, Page 1280) features a 107-inch shower curtain for about $30. And Marjorie Burgeson of Claremont provides a mail-order source: Surrey Shoppe Interiors, 655 Centre St., Department 7, Brockton, Mass. 02402, (617) 588-2525. But if Cook is creative, she can follow the advice of S. Walker of San Francisco, who bought lace-printed plastic table cloths and scalloped them with a grommet tool. The resulting curtains, says Walker, were “translucent but not transparent.”


Mary Langdon of Van Nuys has these sources for Louis Bachleder, who was looking for 30x72-inch folding aluminum picnic tables: REI, 405 W. Torrance Blvd., Carson, (213) 538-2429; Cabela’s, 812 13th Ave., Sidney, Neb. 69160; Campmor, P.O. Box 999, Paramus, N.J. 07653, and L.L. Bean Co., Freeport, Maine 04033-0999. We also heard from four readers who have such tables and might be willing to sell them. If interested, put your cards on the table and send us a stamped, self-addressed envelope.

Herb Hain cannot answer mail personally but will, space permitting, respond in this column to readers who need--or have--helpful information. Write (do not telephone) to You Can Help!, You section, the Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles 90053.
