
State Action Needed

I’ve been reading your coverage of the new city and county ordinances that are designed to clamp down on the sale of chemicals used in the manufacture of illegal drugs. What I’d like to know is what good are all these local laws going to do?

Forcing suppliers to report the sale of certain chemicals and requiring purchasers to wait 21 days before receiving the products is a good idea. But the laws will affect only San Diego County businesses. Getting around the law is as simple as getting in your car and driving 40 minutes to Orange County. Surely, I am not the only one to realize this.

I’m not in the habit of calling my state representative, but this time I did. Assemblywoman Lucy Killea, as it turns out, was way ahead of me. She’s already introduced emergency legislation that will control the sale of certain chemicals used in the manufacture of illegal drugs throughout the state. The chemicals her legislation targets are those used in illegal labs that are popping up all over San Diego. Good work Lucy.



San Diego
