
Car Museum Issue

Your readers were misinformed by Nancy Ray’s article on the acquisition of the Conference Building in Balboa Park by the auto museum (“Car Museum OK’d After Jones Flops Votes, Favors Lease,” Dec. 17). Dan Biggs, president of the auto museum, was never addressed by Councilman Jones. Mr. Jones directed all of his questions pertaining to this issue to either Terry Sheldon, museum representative, or James Milch, museum counsel.

Also, cloggers do not wear wooden shoes to dance in. Tap shoes are worn by the dancers, therefore the requirement of a floor able to withstand the wear and tear of hundreds of pairs of taps week after week becomes an issue.

It is a shame that the people of San Diego have had taken away from them another facility that allowed for the active participation of all ages in recreational pursuits.


And it is even more shameful that no one on the City Council addressed the question of what will happen to the displaced users should the 1987 bond issue not pass.


San Diego
