

Lately I have been reading Calendar Letters for the sole purpose of finding out what the new gripe is.

All it seems to be is a forum for letters concerning the same issues: the colorization of black-and-white movies, the violent or idiotic movies in the theaters and on television, the “know nothing” Robert Hilburn who can’t produce a decent music review and, best of all, the victimized Sean Penn as he tries to lead a halfway peaceful life.

It seems the problem lies with the people who do the complaining. Why don’t those who don’t like colorized movies adjust the color knob on their TVs? For those who don’t like TV or the new movies available, turn the channel or rent a movie. (Be sure it’s not a colorized one though.)


If Hilburn can’t please you, why read him in the first place? And for Pete’s sake, why doesn’t everyone find a little common respect and decency and just leave Sean Penn alone?

As for me, I guess maybe it’s time I stop reading the letters. At least until they get onto a new subject.


San Pedro
