
Phone Charges

The Pacific Bell and General Telephone companies are now telling their customers that they must pay a monthly fee to cover expenses in the event they need repairs of their inside telephone wires. If they don’t subscribe, they will have to pay about $65 for such a repair. Many people will go along with this monthly charge because they do not want to be stuck with a large repair bill if something does go wrong in the future.

Neither I, nor anyone I have spoken with, has ever heard of anyone requiring repairs to their inside telephone lines during a lifetime of using telephone service. So why now are the telephone companies selling inside repair service “insurance” as part of their monthly bill?

I think this is a hoax to extract money from unsuspecting customers who do not stop to question the motives of the telephone companies. I believe this is just another ploy to add sizable sums to their income. Again the public is the dupe.



Los Angeles
