
Success Toasted at Israel Bonds Party

Orange County friends of Israel gathered Sunday night at the Westin South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa for the annual Israel Bonds Dinner Dance.

More than 400 people joined in the festivities, as event chairman Marvin Weiss told the crowd that proceeds of $310,000 from the evening meant that the Orange County annual campaign was over the $2-million mark.

“This evening reaffirms our strong commitment and demonstrates our unity with Israel,” Weiss told the crowd. “With this event we’re on our way to the best year for the Orange County campaign.”


Weiss said that in 35 years the total investment in Israel by American bond buyers has topped $8 billion.

Following a blessing over the food and wine by Rabbi Hiam Asa of Fullerton, guests were treated to a delicious kosher meal and entertained by comedian and television personality Norm Crosby.

The group was also addressed by the guest of honor, Yaakov Morris, former minister of information for the Israeli Embassy in London.


Among those in attendance were Morris and his wife, Ralene, Gerald and Joan Garner, George and Dorothy Paley, Mel and Raya Jaffe, Seymour and Neddy Vigman (she’s chairwoman of the Golda Meir Club) and Patricia and Marvin Weiss.

It was Christmas morning a few weeks early for the ladies of the Huntington Beach Assistance League on Saturday.

Wreaths, stocking stuffers and baked goods--all picture perfect and bespeaking the season approaching--were strictly for sale at the club’s Holiday Faire, fashion show and luncheon.


Close to 400 stayed to enjoy the lunch and fashions, and hundreds more flooded the halls of the Huntington Inn to begin--or finish up--their Christmas shopping.

“Really we work for this all year,” said Mavis Thompson, Ways and Means chairwoman for the group and who helped to head up the Holiday Faire.

The annual event, which brings close to $25,000 in profits, is the primary fund-raiser supporting the League’s community service projects, Operation School Bell, the Speech Therapy Center and SAT Review Seminars for local teen-agers.
