
Students Admit to Placing Bomb

Several Iowa State University students have admitted placing the bomb discovered inside Cyclone Stadium after Saturday’s game with Kansas State.

Iowa State vice president for student affairs Thomas Phielan said that the students stepped forward and said that they were guilty of preparing the bomb, which was intended to go off at the start of the second half of the Cyclones’ 48-19 win against the Wildcats.

The bomb malfunctioned, however, and by the time the students went to retrieve it, it had already been discovered and detonated by police away from the stadium.


There were roughly 30 or 40 people sitting in the section where the bomb was planted as the game ended.

The students added the bomb would not have exploded and instead would have emitted large amounts of smoke. Police said that the bomb instead sent a three-foot high column of fire for 30 seconds.

Phielan said that action would be taken against the students.
