
Anaheim : City Unveils Memorial Honoring Employees

Two persons who died in accidents were honored this week when officials unveiled a plaque in front of the Civic Center.

They were Police Officer Gary Nelson, who was killed Aug. 15, 1975, in a helicopter crash, and city construction worker Joe Fantasia, who died Jan. 21, 1971, in a cave-in at the central library.

The memorial was dedicated in honor of all Anaheim city employees who have died, giving special recognition to those who were killed while on the job, city officials said.


“Anaheim has been blessed with a very high caliber of municipal servant. We want to provide a lasting monument to each of them and their efforts,” Mayor Don Roth said during the unveiling Tuesday.

“While we realize all of our employees are very special, we do want to give special recognition to those who have been killed in the line of duty.”
