
Implications in Rabbi’s Article

It was with regret that I read the learned Rabbi Cooper’s article. I see that the rabbi himself has fallen into the same category of people who have hatred imbedded in their hearts--a deplorable attribute in a man of religion. Instead of writing with a venomous pen that inflames, I’d rather see him write with the pen of love in order to soothe the calamity that we all feel.

Rabbi Cooper blames the whole Muslim people for the acts of violence committed by paranoid schizophrenics with savage and violent behavior, which he does not only condemn but all the peace-loving peoples of the world do. The learned rabbi, I am sure, knows for a fact that when Muslims and the Islamic teachings were the values of the people of the world, the Jews were highly respected, and enjoyed the utmost of religious and personal freedoms, to the degree the Jewish scholars consider that the period they lived in Spain under Muslim rule was their Golden Era.

Such hateful and inciteful articles written by people of religion do not belong in the newspapers.



