
Tables Turned: Conrad to Be Target of Journalism Roast

Los Angeles Times cartoonist Paul Conrad will be the subject of the third annual Roast for Freedom of Information to be presented by the Los Angeles Chapter of the Society for Professional Journalists, Sigma Delta Chi, on Sept. 25 at the Century Plaza.

The panel of “roasters” will include former President Gerald Ford, syndicated columnist Art Buchwald, California Assembly Speaker Willie Brown, Charles T. Manatt, former chairman of the Democratic National Committee, and a surprise guest. KCBS-TV news anchor Bill Stout will serve as master of ceremonies.

The three-time Pulitzer winner was chosen as the subject of the annual fund-raiser “because he has been sticking the needle to people for many years, and this roast will give them the chance to rebut,” said Richard Bergholz, committee chairman. “Our panel of roasters will speak for all the Presidents who have felt Conrad’s scorn and the other politicians who have taken their lumps from Conrad.” The surprise guest, he said, “will speak for womanhood.”


The event will begin with a reception in the California Lounge at 6:30 p.m. preceding dinner at 7:30 in the Los Angeles Ballroom. Tickets are $75, $750 for a table of 10.

Proceeds go to the SPJ, SDX National Legal Defense Fund, which provides financial support to journalists struggling against lawsuits, gag orders, closed meetings and sealed records. Funds raised will also contribute toward establishing a similar fund in Los Angeles.

Tickets may be ordered by sending checks payable to SPJ, SDX to Roberta Wax, 16606 Osborne St., Sepulveda 91343. Reservation deadline is Sept. 18. Further information is available by calling Wax at (818) 893-5560.
