
Went Rafting

On June 22 you published an article by Lyn Hancock on white-water rafting on the Great Slave River in Canada. I promptly made contact with Subarctic Wilderness Adventures in Fort Smith, Northwest Territories, and reserved space. Being a travel agent for many years, I have experienced the unusual, and this trip, while decidedly not for everyone, ranks well up on the list for those adventurers looking for new excitement.

Can you imagine three days in an awesome setting of pines, birch, huge polished rock formations, miles of white water, and not any sign whatsoever of civilization?

Misconceptions of the Northwest Territories are incredible. The mostly modest homes in the small community of Fort Smith have neat lawns, bright flowers and firewood stacked for winter. Combine all this with wild buffalo (we encountered one right in the narrow road), pelicans, eagles and a warm, friendly people . . . what better vacation?


And our last meal there, at a private home--baked northern pike, grouse and beaver, French wine and Canadian beer.

Keep providing travel articles like that and I’ll keep selling.


The Travel Office

