
Decline of U.S. Steel Industry

I am writing this letter, prompted by a deepening fear for the basic well-being of our country. I make no claims to be an acute economic observer nor to be fully informed on the political scene. However, as an employee of a company that uses large amounts of steel, I am in a position that allows me to gauge the impact of having to depend on foreign steel because our own basic steel industry is being forced, step by step, out of business.

Many people will argue that we must allow free trade-- but, is it really free? Are we going to allow our country’s basic strengths to slip away, sacrificed on the altar of free trade? We, as a country, had better start thinking about No. 1!

I cite, as examples, the following: Kaiser Steel--gone! Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel--bankrupt! LTV Steel, No. 2 in the country--bankrupt! Bethlehem Steel--on the brink of bankruptcy! U.S. Steel (USX)--seriously considering the viability of their steel business. National Steel--one-half owned by foreign interests.


Who is left? We had better understand that if we don’t have a steel industry, or have one that is directly or indirectly controlled by foreign interests, our very existence as a nation is at hazard!

To those who today say that there is no mandate from the people to save our industries, I say we must protect our industries--or be delegated to the role of a second-rate world power existing at the whim of the world powers who have the sense to keep their industrial base strong. In this, our government is failing terribly.

As Winston Churchill said, “The prime responsibility of any government for the public safety is absolute and requires no mandate.”



Canoga Park
