
‘Bird Battles Ignorant Mob’

William Kahrl is the latest in the long line of Rose Bird bashers. He doesn’t like her because he claims that she has put herself above “the ignorant mob.” To read Kahrl one would think that Bird has manufactured the whole campaign against her reconfirmation herself. Does Kahrl really believe that Bird embraces her critics with open arms because this assures her a glorious “martyrdom”?

With this kind of bizarre logic working against her, Rose Bird is in deeper trouble than I thought. She can’t win no matter what she does. If she answers her critics she is accused of using her court office for personal aggrandizement.

If she says nothing she is accused of “disdaining,” in Kahrl’s words, “ordinary politics.” Like so many other attacks against Bird, we are left with much sound and fury, and little substance.


The public, in fact, is not an “ignorant mob.” People are capable of making intelligent choices if given all the facts. Not the pap and distortion critics like Kahrl dish out.


