
If the Political Label Fits . . .

Sidney P. Anderson’s letter (“Unfair Political Labels,” July 6) criticizes columnist Harry Bernstein for referring so constantly to “ultra-conservatives,” “far rightists,” et al., as though there were no such individual as an “ultra-liberal.”

I am sure that Bernstein is not intentionally neglecting the ultra-liberals. It’s just that they are not holding political office these days, nor are they anywhere else in the news, business-wise at least.

As for the “ultra-conservatives,” President Reagan and all his followers always refer to themselves as conservatives. As for the “ultra,” don’t expect anybody to apply that symbol of unacceptable extremism to himself, (but) why shouldn’t Bernstein use those terms where they apply?


If Anderson wants to find an ultra-liberal, he should look for the Peace and Freedom Party candidates on the next election ballot.


Los Angeles
