

The off-camera Carson is not much different from the on-camera Carson (“Different From Most People: Johnny Carson Off-Camera,” by Paul Rosenfield, July 6).

There was nothing in this five-page article that was new except that his son the golfer does have air conditioning. That’s a relief!

Not only have his three sons rarely been photographed, Carson has almost never mentioned them, his sister who lives up north and owns a bed-and-breakfast inn, his brother Dick who has been the director of the “Merv Griffin Show” for many years or his baby-doll blonde live-in companion who could be his daughter.

These facts are common knowledge, yet this long dissertation gave little insight into the man and the whole thing could have been summed up in one sentence:


He’s shy, very private, powerful and tres rich, and doesn’t have to answer to anybody about anything.


Los Angeles
