
City of Laguna Beach and Its ‘Contributions’ to the Arts

In criticizing a Times editorial of May 18, Mayor Martha Collison of Laguna Beach fails to mention in her letter (May 25) that the huge rental her city collects from the Festival of Arts--$388,000 last year alone--represents virtually a 100% windfall, since the property concerned cost the city nothing. The land was given by the Irvine family (for use by the Festival), and all structures were paid for by the Festival, which also pays for their upkeep.

The City of Laguna Beach must be among the most greedy of all landlords. And on top of the huge rent, the city also receives over $11,000 worth of top-price tickets for the Pageant of the Masters each year. For free, of course.

As for the mayor’s claim that Laguna’s contributions to the arts is “very comparable” to those made by Santa Ana, Costa Mesa and Newport Beach, this is obviously incorrect. Those cities give to the arts. Laguna is in the net position of receiving from such groups.

In her letter, the mayor says Laguna gave $24,000 to “art-related organizations.” Compare this with the $388,000 taken from the arts scene (i.e., the festival), and it is obvious that the “very comparable” claim is preposterous rubbish.


The festival does its city more good than paying rent. It also enriches the community by attracting people who patronize Laguna’s businesses and hotels. Isn’t such business stimulation plus a million dollars every three years worth a word of gratitude from the mayor and her colleagues rather than vilification and sneering?


South Laguna
