
Medical Care in Canada, United States

Freed’s article rang a big bell; the democratic bell of equality for the medically oppressed of our great country. The stark contrast between the care of our sick and that of Canada’s was well-drawn and finely delineated. To this old warhorse physician, it was a sad commentary.

I don’t want to believe that we have forgotten the basic humanitarian principles as mandated by Hippocrates. But the practice and ethics of medicine appear to have been buried in the quest for the almighty dollar. I have practiced under socialized medicine, in several countries, but have never seen such negligence in the care of those needing our help the most--the poor and the elderly--as I see here daily.

Medi-Cal and Medicare began with good intent, but medical and bureaucratic mercantilism have rendered these hopelessly inadequate. The medical profession must assume a great part of the responsibility for the decline in the availability of care. It has become an industry predicated on material gain; its corporate doors locked to those who don’t have cash (or costly insurance) in hand when knocking.



North Hollywood
