
Airline Offers a Bonus

In an effort to drum up traffic to Europe, Pan Am is offering some new inducements, including a free rental car for a week and coupons allowing the purchase of two tickets for the price of one to any U.S. or Caribbean destination the airline serves.

If you buy your round-trip ticket to Europe before July 15 and use it before Dec. 15 you can get the two-for-one coupon. However, you have to use these coupons on flights from Mondays through Thursdays before March 31, 1987. There are also blackout periods, including the Christmas and New Year holidays. The coupon is good for any class of ticket.

To get the coupon, mail Pan Am your round-trip boarding passes and the leftover portions of your ticket to Europe (you can save a photocopy of them for your IRS files). You also have to name the other person who will be flying with you to the Caribbean/U.S. location. This name cannot be changed later. Similarly, you would have to travel with this other person on all segments of your flight itinerary. Your coupon should arrive after four weeks.


The free car offer, in association with Kemwel, applies when you travel with another person to and in Europe. You would get an economy car with unlimited mileage for a full week. Pan Am will request your car at the time of your booking, but you have to send Kemwel a copy of your air tickets at least 10 days in advance of departure for the car rental to be processed. A confirmation slip of your car rental will then be provided.

The economy car can be picked up at more than 20 of Kemwel’s airport locations in Europe except in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Turkey, the U.S.S.R. and Israel, where the offer isn’t in effect. It’s important to note that if you want to return the car to a different location there will be a drop-off charge. Gas, collision damage waiver, optional insurance and taxes are extra. You have to be at least 21 years old. If you’re traveling alone, you can get the car for a week for only $50.

You also have to buy your tickets before July 15 and use the car before Dec. 15. With the push to bolster sagging business to Europe, it’s likely that other airlines serving Europe will also offer comparable lures.


For details, contact travel agents or Pan Am, phone (800) 221-1111.
