
Santa Monica : Emeritus College Will Honor 2

Bernice Bratter, executive director of the Santa Monica Senior Health and Peer Counseling Center, and volunteer Johanne Hanser will be honored by Santa Monica College’s Emeritus College at 1 p.m. June 14 in the Little Theater on campus, 1900 Pico Blvd.

The guest speaker for the event, which is free and open to the public, will be Don Cohen, director of the counseling center. The Emeritus College Chorus will perform.

Bratter has served as executive director for the counseling center since 1980 and directed its peer counseling program for three years. A YWCA Woman of the Year, she is a legislative advocate for physical and mental health care for older people.


Hanser, a retired nurse, has been a volunteer for 10 years, including service for the Westside Independent Services for the Elderly program and the Affiliated Committees on Aging for Los Angeles County.
