
Father’s Day

As Mothers Day fades off into the sunset for another year I thought it might be an opportune time to write about Fathers Day well in advance of the calendar to express something that irks me to the core. Mothers Day has an aura of sacredness about it, and I think we, in general, have special feelings for our own mother. The media coverage is fairly benign in regards to this day and this event.

Then almost a month later along comes Fathers Day. It, too, is honored by the usual picnics and unveiling of recliner chairs for Dad’s den. Then, on the Sunday evening news there is the yearly crusade by county agencies and women’s groups to go after fathers delinquent on child support. Why do I have to have my day tainted by this coverage? Nobody crucified mothers who abused or neglected their children. I think it is unfair to dedicated, loving fathers and in extremely bad taste.


