
Pasadena : Boys Republic Thrift Shop

Although its famed world’s largest rummage sales have come to an end, the Pasadena Auxiliary to Boys Republic in Chino will maintain its place in the resale business with a thrift shop that members expect to open in mid-July.

Auxiliary President Marjorie Rees said Boys Republic, a home and school for boys, is buying a building at 2261 N. Lake Ave. in Altadena and will lease 2,900 square feet to the auxiliary for its thrift shop. Rees said the auxiliary will continue to solicit used clothes and furniture from its list of donors who supplied rummage for its sales and expects to receive merchandise from local stores that have provided sale goods in the past. She said the thrift shop, whose name has yet to be decided, will sell a wide variety of used goods as well as some antiques, silver, china and furniture.
