
Redondo Beach : Billboard Law Introduced

At the urging of Mayor Barbara Doerr, the City Council introduced an ordinance that would greatly reduce the size and scope of billboards in the city. The ordinance, scheduled for final approval at the council’s June 3 meeting, would also require Planning Commission review of each new billboard application.

The action came after Doerr vetoed the adoption of a similar ordinance that limited billboards to a maximum of 45 feet in height, 300 square feet in surface size and a distance of 400 feet apart. The proposed ordinance would limit new billboards to a height of 30 feet and a surface size of 75 square feet. Doerr said she vetoed the original ordinance because it was not restrictive enough and did not allow for the eventual elimination of billboards from the city.

The ordinance would be an interim measure that would give the city more control over the placement of billboards until a city review of commercial development standards is completed in 30 to 45 days, City Manager Tim Casey said.
