
‘Deep Pockets’

Reading the article (Times, Feb. 18) on proposed increases in auto insurance rates infuriated me! Rates are ridiculously high already. I have been involved with two minor car accidents in my life and neither of the other parties had any insurance.

The responsibility for the insurance crisis belongs in two places. The majority lies with the attorneys who have raped the tort system of justice in this country. The rest lies with the public who sit on juries and award outrageous monetary awards to plaintiffs for true auto accidents, or who allow their insurance companies to settle complaints without the insured person’s approval.

This insurance crisis will end only when the public learns to say “no” to greedy attorneys both in court and at their own insurance companies. If this doesn’t happen, the crisis will end when there are no longer any “deep pockets” left for attorneys to tap; that is, when none of the public has any insurance because it can’t afford it.



