
Bridges Tribute

The tribute to Harry Bridges, reported by Henry Weinstein (Feb. 11), was indeed a “revival meeting” for organized labor. Its purpose was not only to salute this hero of the labor movement, but also to remind the movement of the courage and audacity of its builders. Bridges’ militant spirit was very much alive among the hundreds who honored him.

The event underscored our need to preserve certain chapters of our history, which are all too easily forgotten. Unsettling movements, unorthodox organizations and unpopular ideas are all part of the rich heritage that has shaped today’s society. The past is our best guide to future.

The records of Harry Bridges’ achievements will be preserved in our library, which sponsored the event, along with those of many other notable “boat rockers.” They are a legacy of knowledge, available to all who wish to understand where we came from.




Los Angeles

Ayres is president of the board of directors of the Southern California Library for Social Studies and Research; Pearl was chairperson of the Bridges dinner.
