
Lynwood : Rubbish Rates to Rise 6%

The city’s rubbish collector, Western Waste Industries of Gardena, has been granted a 6% rate increase.

The monthly rate for a single-family dwelling will rise 32 cents to $5.50, said Joseph Y. Wang, city engineer and director of public works.

The rate for multiple residential dwellings or apartments will increase 26 cents to $4.55, Wang said.


The City Council unanimously approved the increase last week, and it was made retroactive to Jan. 1.

Western Waste has a five-year contract with the city that expires on Jan. 30, 1988. However, the city reviews rate increases yearly. The last increase, 11%, was in 1984.

Wang said a survey comparing rubbish-collection rates of surrounding cities found that Lynwood “was somewhere in the middle.”


The survey shows the highest monthly rate for single-family homes was $8.50, in Compton, while the lowest rate was $4.40, in South Gate, Wang said.
