
Robbery on Autostrada

We would like your readers to be aware of thieves when driving between Naples and Salerno on Autostrada A3. This was our Exp-erience recently: A car pulled alongside and indicated we had a flat. I pulled over to an emergency parking area where two men had the hood of their car open. They approached and I thought they were going to help us. One of the men spoke in a very excited manner. The other went over to my wife, who was in the car, and motioned her out. There was much confusion.

Meanwhile, the men in the car who had pointed to my tire were parked along the road. In a matter of minutes they all left and it was then we discovered that my wife’s purse was gone, with our airline tickets, passports, jewelry, money, charge cards, etc.

According to the American Consul in Naples this happens very often along that route, in some fashion the thieves managing to puncture the tire of their intended victim.



Sherman Oaks
