

It’s going to be Oscar time soon, and several questions occur to me about the sometimes-silly Academy members:

1--Are they going to be fooled into voting for “Back to the Future” (a pleasantly diverting movie), just because it made $200 million?

2--Are they going to be fooled into giving supporting awards to any of the women in “Cocoon” when not one of those women had more than 2 1/2 minutes of screen time?


3--Are they going to be fooled into giving anything to “Jagged Edge,” a picture shot through with plot holes and inconsistencies?

4--Are they going to be fooled into giving Meryl Streep a third Oscar for yet another accent?

5--Are they going to be fooled into giving Albert Brooks an award for “Lost In America,” that charming half of a movie?

I could go on, but won’t. Let’s watch. Betcha the Academy members make fools of themselves once again. We’ll talk after the awards.


Los Angeles
