
Protest Against Serving Veal

It appears that Eighbor assumes that persons having concern for animal rights ignore the plight of humans.

In my experience I have found just the opposite to be true. Those deeply concerned with human welfare are the most compassionate of all people and also extend their sympathies into alleviating pain and suffering in the animal world.

Ignorance of animal abuses may be the excuse of ignoring it. Eighbor should visit a farm where calves are raised painfully and immobile in small pens in the dark for weeks on end. Then if she is truly a sympathetic person, she would not choose to ignore this widespread practice.


Surely those of us with our abundance of good things in life should not be selective in choosing who should be allowed to be mistreated, but instead, work to lessen misery and distress wherever it is found in humans and in animals.


Fountain Valley
