
Protest Against Serving Veal

I’m hopping mad over a letter sent in by Ann Eighbor (Dec. 4). She complained about having seen recent media coverage of Cleveland Amory protesting the exploitation of calves for veal production. The coverage just happened to follow segments on the homeless of Skid Row and Live Aid Benefits for famine relief.

Her beef was that Amory was not protesting the “outrageously high prices” of veal but rather the suffering the calves go through to produce the veal in the first place. Additionally, she was upset that he chose to protest his cause while these other humanitarian efforts took place simultaneously.

As for me, I’d like to thank Amory for remembering that little calf that has been taken from its mother and locked in a crate for the rest of its short, miserable life. My thanks also to those who work to shelter the homeless and feed the victims of famine.


Please, Ms. Eighbor, don’t criticize a particular cause simply because it isn’t high on your list of concerns. We shouldn’t prioritize suffering. We should work together to stop it.


Redondo Beach
