
New Weave Now that designers are showing...

New Weave Now that designers are showing their latest looks on long-haired models, the fashion-conscious are tending toward longer looks, too. But growing out a boyish cut can be an awesome task. Beverly Hills perm and color specialist Jane Paddon of the JosephMartin salon says a weave perm can help women get through the awkward stage. In the same way that color is woven into the hair when it’s highlighted, the perm is applied only to small, random sections. Hair doesn’t appear to lose length as it would with a curly, all-over perm, yet it still has soft curls and waves. Stylist Joseph Kendall of the same salon suggests that keeping the bottom layers of the hair bobbed while the top layers grow out. Trim every four weeks.

Spot Check

Breakouts in the board room? You’re not alone. More and more career women who thought they’d paid their acne dues in their teens are plagued with those dreaded blotches all over again, according to Dr. Margaret Olsen, clinical assistant professor of dermatology at UCLA. “Acne in adult women is related to stress levels, caffeine intake, cosmetics use and lack of exercise,” she says. “Clinical observation has shown that cutting out caffeine can reduce the frequency of flare-ups.” As for moisturizers, “many women don’t need any,” she says. “In fact, some acne can be aggravated by extra oils on the skin. I suggest that women read cosmetics labels carefully and choose products that are non-comedogenic , which means they don’t cause blackheads.” And she adds that exercise can “work out the stress that builds up in your body. For some women, the first place it shows is the skin.” Intoxicating Aroma No matter how strong the exchange rate of dollars for francs, French perfume is still a pricey objet. To stretch your little luxury, add a few drops of vodka to the last few drops of scent. This advice comes from Vincent Roppatte, a makeup artist and hair stylist who has catered to the beauty needs of Jamie Lee Curtis and Liza Minnelli and who co-authored “The Looks Men Love” (St. Martin’s Press). After you add the vodka, Roppatte says, seal the perfume bottle for a day or two.
