
Jack Sher to Be Installed to Head Multiple Listing

Jack Sher, owner-manager of Century 21 Horizon Properties, Culver City, will be installed Thursday as president of the United Multiple Listing Service Inc. during its 37th installation banquet at the Century Plaza Hotel. He succeeds Karan Hall of her own realty firm.

Other 1986 officers will be Hank Dunlevy of Dunlevy Realty, first vice president; Elly Schultze of Red Carpet Schultze, second vice president; Colleen Williams of Colleen Realty, secretary, and Walter Isono of Towne & Shore Realty, treasurer.

New directors will be Hall, Mary Lou Crockett, Charles Ellis, Verna Garcia, Tom Lawrence, Pat Lennon, Tom Mescher, Marvin Silverman, Gwen Tanguay and Gayle Zancker.
