

Thanks to two fledgling screenwriters, some of the most prestigious outer offices in Hollywood will be displaying a new magazine--Big Beautiful Woman, the “Fashion Magazine for the Large-Size Woman.”

To call attention to their screwball comedy about weight loss, “M.O.O.,” Winston Cenac and Golda Savage have bought subscriptions to BBW for Dolly Parton, Burt Reynolds, Jeff Goldblum, producer Jon Peters, ICM superagent Jeff Berg, Disney honcho Jeff Katzenberg and a few others.

Cenac and Savage have encountered heavy resistance to their script about two rival sisters in the South, one of whom champions the cause of full-figured women while running a diet company called M.O.O.--Mama’s Okra and Olio (olio’s a Southern-style stew).


“We kept hearing that it was a taboo subject for a feature--people just aren’t comfortable with the idea of weight,” Cenac said. “We decided there was an issue here--so we decided to try to publicize it.” They picked “people with a sense of humor. . . . We have to let them know this isn’t just one more fat movie.”
