
Regan Remarks About Women

In his attempt to portray American women as little more than naive children who are “disinterested” in important political issues, Regan demonstrates a profound ignorance concerning the contribution of women to American politics.

Why would a high-ranking government official go on public record with such obviously inaccurate statements about women?

Although the White House has claimed that Regan was quoted “out of context,” his comments fit perfectly into a familiar and consistent pattern--that of attempting to undermine the influence of women by trivializing their concerns.


Even more disturbing is the likelihood that Regan--and many of his colleagues--genuinely believe that women are merely shadows of men, without the capacity or the commitment to assume full citizenship.

Such distortions of reality have no place in our national government--nor do the men who promote them.


Los Angeles

Jonas is chair of the California Commission on the Status of Women.
