
Stanton : Police to Seek Murder Charge in Shooting

A Stanton woman struck in the head by a bullet fired through her bedroom wall Oct. 16 died Thursday, and police say they will seek a murder charge against the man suspected of firing the shot.

Robin Ann Holding, 27, had been on life-support systems at Humana Hospital in Westminster since the shooting, a hospital spokeswoman said.

Her next-door neighbor, Spencer Casanova Heckathorne, 24, was arrested after the shooting and charged with attempted murder. Police said Friday that they will ask prosecutors to change the charge to murder.


Heckathorne is being held in the Orange County Jail in lieu of $150,000 bail.

Neighbors in Holding’s apartment at the time of the shooting told investigators Heckathorne was arguing with his wife and that the neighbors began pounding on the walls to quiet the couple when a single shot was fired.
