
Finding Your Season in Drugstores, Markets

Fans of the seasonal approach to color coordination (as in “I’m a spring. What are you?”) can now have themselves typed (classified as a specific season) in grocery stores and drugstores.

Hawthorne-based Sophisticolor, which manufactures cosmetics of seasonal delineation, is offering free color-analyses to shoppers in retail outlets carrying its wares.

Saturday, a color consultant will be on hand draping clients in fabrics (to see which colors best complement their skin, hair and eye tones) at Skaggs Alpha Beta in Whittier. Other sessions will be Nov. 2 at Sav Beauty Supply in Huntington Beach, Nov. 8 and 16 at Via Lido Drug in Newport Beach and Nov. 9 at the Guild Drugstore in Irvine. All sessions are from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
