
Egypt’s Bid for U.S. Apology

Saleh states his country’s current position very well and with the proper dash of self-righteousness. He performs his job well.

However, may I shed some daylight on his obtuse grasp of the facts. Stated simply, the facts are that the terrorists took the courageous step of shooting an elderly Jew confined to a wheelchair; and they demonstrated their manhood by treating the women on the ship with casual games of hand-grenade catch. And the Egyptian government was so impressed with the derring-do of these individuals that they turned their backs on what was morally and legally demanded by the facts and with their tail between their legs let the gunmen and their team leader board an aircraft for home.

The claim that no official knew that anyone had been murdered is without merit.

Oh yes, let us not forget that Saleh mentions the opportunity for Yasser Arafat to prove his credibility. As what--the best charlatan in the Middle East?


I also am concerned with the current relations between us and Egypt. I and many Americans would wish it otherwise, but our responsibility was clear and our decision correct. How sad it is that a great country such as Egypt would bow so low to so few who in their best day would not qualify to lick the boots of the average Egyptian citizen.


Los Angeles
