
Sheer Peril Out There for Freeway Motorcyclists

Why make more rigid controls when the ones we have today are not obeyed or enforced? It is a violation of the vehicle code to change lanes on the freeways without signaling. Failure to signal while lane changing and tailgating cause more freeway accidents than 100 motorcyclists.

All drivers, especially the jolted writer, should not accidentally reference their right side mirror, but should continuously check both side and rear-view mirrors; good drivers do. I believe the California Drivers Manual states every 10 to 15 seconds.

If we’re talking about dangerous drivers we should include the “readers,” “shavers,” and the gals who sleep as late as possible and do their hair and makeup at 30 miles an hour.


From my motorcycle position I observe a lot more hazardous driving patterns than motorcyclists splitting freeway lanes.

The radio is fine and good music is there to be enjoyed, but it is not meant to engross the drivers so they are not aware of their surroundings. When you’re behind the wheel of your car or straddling a motorcycle your first priority is to be alert, attentive and to anticipate, the three As to safe driving.


