

About two dozen angry parents confronted Compton Unified School District trustees at their meeting Tuesday and complained about a new security guard system that has reduced the number of officers on some elementary school campuses while allowing those on patrol to carry guns.

After hearing the parents, led by Carmen Bell, trustees agreed to respond to their questions in detail by the end of the week. But trustee president Kelvin D. Filer said it would be “imprudent” to revise the new system until it has been given a chance to work.

Earlier in the week, many of the parents picketed Caldwell Elementary School, which last year had an unarmed watch officer on campus full time. This year, the watch officer has been replaced by armed guards who patrol the campus periodically.


The parents contend that a full-time officer is needed, but they fear an armed guard might accidentally shoot an innocent student. School officials argue that a full-time guard is not necessary because Caldwell is among the safest schools in the district.
