
Paroled Killer Fain Seized by Citizens for Peeping in Window

Associated Press

William Archie Fain, the convicted murderer and rapist whose parole stirred a public outcry, was arrested by two citizens after he was spotted peeping into a bedroom window, police said today.

Sgt. Bob Burroughs said one man reported spotting Fain, 40, peering into a neighbor’s window Tuesday night. The man called the neighbor, and the pair held Fain until police arrived.

Fain, who lives in nearby Campbell and works as a roofer, was booked for investigation of peeping and prowling, Burroughs said.


Fain spent nearly 16 years in prison for the June, 1967, murder of a high school student and the rape of three young women near the Stanislaus County community of Oakdale.

Originally sentenced to die, Fain was spared when an appeals court overturned the sentence because of a jury selection error.

Although Fain was found suitable for parole several times, the state Board of Prison Terms blocked his release in January, 1982, on the advice of then Atty. Gen. George Deukmejian, who as governor also fought to keep Fain in prison. Fain finally was released on Oct. 4, 1983.
