
Hodel Steps Up Attack on Ocean Drilling Pact

Times Staff Writer

Interior Secretary Donald P. Hodel stepped up his criticism Thursday of a tentative accord he negotiated with California’s congressional delegation last month to limit offshore oil drilling.

Speaking in shirt sleeves on a flatbed truck, Hodel told about 2,000 oil workers that the anti-drilling members of the congressional delegation showed no concern about what impact the preliminary agreement would have on jobs.

“I do not remember on any occasion the issue of jobs being raised, and I’m convinced it has to be brought to the table,” Hodel said to cheers from the crowd.


Many spectators carried placards that urged, “Save Our Jobs,” or said, “Oil Buys My Milk.”

“There were no voices in behalf of drilling,” Hodel said. “There were no voices that said we can do it in a safe, environmental fashion.”

Later, Hodel acknowledged at a news conference that he also had failed to raise the issue, except for a general remark about the impact of imported oil on the economy.

“It (jobs) did not appear to be a matter of significance in the discussions,” Hodel said.

Hodel’s remarks came during the second week of a visit to California to assess reaction to the preliminary agreement reached in mid-July. Hodel and congressmen hope to make it final in September, although there are signs that negotiations will be difficult.


The preliminary agreement generally has been applauded by environmental groups but has come under sustained fire from the oil industry.

Hodel has raised a variety of doubts about the accord, and on Thursday he urged those who work in the industry to let their congressmen know of their personal stake in the outcome of the talks.

“You are part of those great human resources. I plead with you to speak up and be heard and see to it that the people who represent you make themselves heard. . . .,” Hodel declared.


Hodel also promised that when he returns to Washington, he will forcefully raise the jobs issue as well as attempt to win approval for drilling in offshore tracts that the oil industry believes are more promising than the 150 tracts set aside in the preliminary accord.

Exploration Restricted

The agreement reached by Hodel in mid-July with several pro-moratorium members of the California congressional delegation restricted oil and gas exploration to 150 of 6,460 tracts on the outer continental shelf. The remainder were placed off limits until the year 2000.

During an interview Thursday, Hodel said the 150 tracts were “worse” than he thought at the time the agreement was reached, and he said he expects to propose more promising tracts sought by oil companies. But, he said, he has not decided where they will be.

The Ventura rally was organized by local chambers of commerce and companies that service the oil drilling. One organizer said between $10,000 and $15,000 was spent.

Earlier in Santa Barbara, Hodel heard endorsements of the agreement from local officials, who also urged stricter air pollution controls on offshore oil rigs.

Hodel listed a series of steps he is taking to meet those concerns.

Hodel is scheduled to meet today with Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley and with the California Coastal Commission.
