
Offshore Oil Moratorium

Did you look at your own newspaper’s map on Aug. 4 of this year? The present proposal would allow drilling within three miles of the Palos Verdes Peninsula coastline. Within three miles of Marineland, within three miles of the most beautiful and fragile coastline in California. The citizens of the Palos Verdes Peninsula got snookered by Secretary Hodel, Rep. Levine of Santa Monica and Rep. Lowery from San Diego. They dumped the oil wells from Santa Monica and San Diego to within three miles of our shores!

In this instance, oil and water do not mix, with a vengeance. The citizens of Palos Verdes, and all other reasonable people, should be and are livid at this travesty of planning, and are mad as hell at the Los Angeles Times for even alluding to the validity of such a tragic proposal!


Rancho Palos Verdes
