
Rescue of Ethiopian Jews

Congratulations to Charles Powers and The Times for capturing the dramatic rescue story of thousands of Ethiopian Jews.

The story, which detailed the rescue of this persecuted segment of Ethiopian Jewry, is a shining example of both the United States’ and Israel’s compassion and commitment to freedom. We commend President Reagan, Vice President George Bush and Secretary of State George P. Shultz for their compassionate concern on this issue.

We also extend our deepest gratitude to Jerry Weaver, the refugee affairs coordinator at the U.S. Embassy in Khartoum, whose heroic efforts made Operation Moses a reality.


The Los Angeles Community Relations Committee sponsored the first community delegation to visit the Ethiopian Jewish community in 1981. It left an indelible impression on those who participated and served to reinforce the Jewish community’s commitment to their Ethiopian Jewish brethren.

Our joy over the rescue is tempered, however, by the knowledge that between 6,000 and 9,000 Jews still remain in Ethiopia. They must not be forgotten.


Los Angeles

Tenenbaum is acting executive director of the Community Relations Committee of the Jewish Federation Council of Greater Los Angeles.
