
Replacement for Hamilton

Some key Los Angeles city officials are reportedly trying to oust Planning Director Calvin Hamilton, who has overseen city planning, urban development, zoning and related matters in City Hall for 20 years.

Hamilton’s chief contribution during that time has been drawing up Los Angeles’ General Plan, which outlines the future commercial and residential development of the many districts and neighborhoods that make up the city. It is a well-intentioned effort that envisions a series of commercial clusters surrounded by residential neighborhoods.

Unfortunately, Hamilton has not shown the management skills needed to oversee the day-to-day implementation of his general plan. The slowness with which he and other city officials moved to implement the plan led to a lawsuit and court order that will require a massive rezoning effort, affecting a quarter of the city’s land area, over the next three years.


Concern over the court-ordered rezoning finally prompted several members of the City Council, including Council President Pat Russell, to conclude that Hamilton has to go. Russell says that they discussed removing Hamilton with Mayor Tom Bradley, and met no resistance.

Given the scandal last year involving Hamilton’s outside business activities, including ties to a major developer, and the disaffection in city government over his loose style of management, finding a replacement for him is a good idea. But, considering the many important zoning and development decisions that the city government will be making soon, it is a change that should not be delayed for long. Bradley should provide leadership now, ask Hamilton to resign and find a competent, respected replacement as soon as possible.
