
Thanks Extended for Fire Assistance

I wish to extend my gratitude to the citizens of Placentia for their cooperation during the recent emergency created by the “toxic chemical fire” in Anaheim. Our city’s response was handled very promptly and professionally.

I would like to apologize for any inconvenience created by the evacuation and traffic diversions caused by this incident. I am happy to announce that Placentians suffered no injuries or property damage because of this situation.

This was due to our city’s excellent response, which received assistance from the following organizations: City of Brea, Orange County Fire Department, Orange County Red Cross, Placentia Unified School District, Placentia Police and Public Works departments, Placentia Radio Watch, Placentia Police and Fire Explorer posts, Placentia Police Reserves and the Golden West Police Academy, which provided more than 30 students to assist our Police Department.


The teamwork and cooperation exhibited by these organizations helped to make the best of a potentially dangerous situation. Special thanks to all concerned for their support during this difficult time.



City of Placentia
