
‘Honest Kid’ Finds $90,000 Cash Bag, Turns It In to Police

Associated Press

A teen-ager lugged a canvas sack holding $90,000 in $10 bills into a police station, explaining he found the cash while riding his bicycle, police say.

Officers checked a tag on the bag and found it had fallen from the rear of an armored truck Monday, apparently when the vehicle hit a bump.

However, the sack should have contained $100,000. Police said the missing $10,000 was under investigation but said the youth, 18-year-old Eddie Walsh, was not a suspect.


“He was a good, honest kid,” Sgt. Leon Reitman said. “He was sure he was going to turn it over.”

As for the missing cash, Reitman said: “The bundle was split open, and who knows, part of it may have just rolled away. Somebody could have found it before (Walsh) and taken some and left the rest. It’s hard to tell.”
