
San Diego

A Mission Village man suffered second- and third-degree burns over 85% of his body when his neighbor’s home exploded into flames as he searched for a propane gas leak in their front yard.

Edison Leep, 61, reported hearing a loud hissing sound coming from a propane fuel tank in front of his neighbor’s home, in the 3400 block of Angwin Street. As Leep searched for the fuel leak, a spark ignited the escaping gas, setting off an explosion that, according to neighbors, shook the entire area.

A Fire Department spokesman said another neighbor helped save Leep’s life by rolling him on the ground and dousing him with water from a garden hose. Leep was transported by Life Flight helicopter to the UC San Diego Medical Center, where he remains in critical condition.


The explosion, which occurred while the home’s owners were out of town, caused an estimated $100,000 in damages.
