
Newport Beach : Teen Vows to Try Sit-In Again to Protest Curfew

Although it seemed like a good idea at the time, lack of organization seemed to get the better of a planned sit-in late Monday to protest a proposal to modify Newport Beach’s curfew ordinance.

Viktoria Murray, a 16-year-old Fountain Valley resident who tried to organize the protest at the Balboa Pier, said the sit-in was hastily organized earlier Monday and as a consequence, only 10 people turned out.

Although the sit-in was to have consisted primarily of teen-agers opposed to the curfew, it drew Newport Beach Mayor Philip Maurer and a city councilwoman who came to talk with youths about the situation.


“The mayor and I were there for two hours, but there was nothing and no one made an effort to come up (and) talk to us,” said council member Jackie Heather. “I think we were the only older people on the pier.”

Undaunted by the lack of success Monday, Murray said she plans to organize another sit-in Saturday night. “It’s on for Saturday. That way, we have time to publicize the event, and we’ll be able to organize,” she said.

“We just want to let everyone know that we don’t want to hurt people, their cars or their businesses,” she said. “we’d like to meet people personally and tell them that.”


Although she missed meeting Heather and the mayor as they enjoyed their view of the ocean Monday, Murray said she hopes to see them at the sit-in Saturday.

“We can’t vote and we can’t partake in what the City Council does, but we can still let them know what we think,” Murray said. “We don’t put them in office, but if they can hear us, maybe they’ll listen.”

Newport Beach is considering changes to its curfew law in order to stem rowdiness and vandalism reportedly caused by teen-agers who congregate in the area.
