
fashionable feminism?

So the “New Feminist” is a “less strident,” more “vulnerable,” wispy looking female, ready to “swivel her hips,” “bare her midriff” and “tighten her torso.” Come on, Ms. Luther! You can usually write much better copy than that. What happened to the Woman of the ‘80s--the one who was athletic, independent and intelligent? Can we expect Sally Ride to look a little more vulnerable? Let’s get Joan Benoit to be a little less strident. Oh boy! Is Sandra Day O’Connor going to swivel her hips? Will Gerry Ferraro bare her midriff in her next Pepsi commercial? There is nothing wrong with being feminine; just don’t make it sound so wimpy. The clothes were interesting in a too-out-of-focus-to-tell-what-they-were sort of way; however, your idea of the “New Feminist” came across as offensive. How about coming up with a new “New Feminist?”

Marilyn Scott

Costa Mesa
