
Fullerton : Capital Improvements Subject of 2 Hearings

The City Council will hold two public hearings April 9 on the city’s five-year capital-improvements program.

Public comment on the plan will be invited. Outlines estimate that the cost of both long and short-term city projects will total $41 million.

“These financial projections for the five-year period are, of course, subject to change, but they serve as an essential guide for the city planners,” said Budget Manager Jaclyn Lewis.


A major proposal for the 1985-86 fiscal year is expansion of city-owned Fullerton Airport. The $2.6-million project, most of which would be financed by federal aviation grants, includes purchasing adjacent property and building additional hangars and tie-down facilities for small planes.

Two other items scheduled for the first of the five years are $230,000 to upgrade the city’s fire emergency radio system, and $800,000 in improvements to Duane Winter Field, in Amerige Park. In all, $10.4 million is earmarked for capital improvements in the 1985-86 fiscal year.

The meetings, at 4 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., will take place in city hall, 303 W. Commonwealth Ave.
